Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Merry Christmas!!!!

It is starting to feel a lot like Christmas…There are many Christmas lights around Seoul as well as Christmas trees. There is one I want to introduce to you…it catches my eye every day as we pass by it on the bus. There is a large wreath hanging at the top of the tree that has the words on it: “Helpy Christmas.” I was really surprised when I first noticed it. What does it mean? Is it a mistake or was it intentional? Does it mean “help others at Christmas” or “have a healthy Christmas?” I’m just not sure. What do you think?
Mark and I are really looking forward to a holiday. We have three more days of work, which includes a Christmas party with staff and students, and then we are off to Japan. We leave on Saturday morning, first we take a subway, then train, then taxi, then ferry, then maybe another bus, then train, and maybe another bus until we get to our hostel in Hiroshima, Japan. It’s going to be a ball! Before we head back to Seoul on the 29th we’re spending two days in Busan (sometimes spelled Pusan), which is in the southern part of Korea.

I wish you all blessings and peace as you celebrate the Christmas season!

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