This last weekend was our church retreat, as you may have guessed from the title. The church decided to go to Taean and help clean up oil that spilled about a month ago. If any of you have seen that Simpsons episode were Lisa is very excited to go and help save the world and clean up an oil spill, only to arrive and find she has to scrub rocks with a toothbrush, well thats what it was. Rather unromantic. We dug holes in the sand, when the sand was black we either took old clothes and tried to rub the oil out or we tried to dig out the black sand and throw it in bags. If we found a rock with oil on it, we wiped off the oil. But it was still fun. It was actually a lot cleaner than i was expecting. Little oil in the water, but there was black on some of the surrounding cliffs and there was a layer of black sand about 5-10 inches down from the surface. And it did smell.
Anyway, here are some pictures. This is Kwang-kyu. He is our friend and has started coming to Grace and peace. He was in my Peacebuilders class and has taken a number of other classes from Connexus. He is nice.
This the cleaning. There was another volunteer group there helping clean. I think most of the clean up has been done by groups volunteering to wipe up the oil with old clothes.
Vanessa made a new friend who said if Canada has an oil spill, she is going to come and help clean it up.
Most, but not all of our group.
Just so you know, I laughed out loud for about 20 seconds when I saw that picture with Vanessa and her new friend.
those crazy adjamas
Jess...she was such a funny woman! She kept talking to me and I had no idea what she was saying except for a few words..if I would go to a different place to clean she would call me back "Canada Chingu" (chingu means friend). And she would point to herself and say grandma and then laugh a lot...
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