Two weekends ago we had a long weekend in Korea so Mark and I with our friend
kyu took a trip to
Samchuk, a city on the east coast. We enjoyed relaxing on the beach, visiting one of the largest caves in Asia, as well as an interesting park.
Here are some pictures from the trip:
This first one is of the walk to the cave entrance. The cave is called
Hwanseon Donggul.

Here we are inside...I couldn't get over how big it all was.
It was cool to see the different
limestones and other rocks. Too bad I don't remember very much from my Earth Science class.
We were sorry we didn't meet any bats. I think Mark was a bit more sorry than I was.

If you look closely in this last cave picture you might be able to find what looks like the virgin Mary. It's really small standing above the whitest part in the picture...

View of the ocean from an interesting park.

Then we went to the beach, which, I don't understand, was almost empty! It was such a beautiful hot day.

I love the ocean!